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lost cause 已告失敗[必將失敗]的事業[運動]。

lost generation

For the past eight years , jilin post has achieved remarkable progress after overcoming a lot of serious difficulties such as the severe lose caused by policy factors at the beginning period of separating postal business from telecom operations , lack of capital fund and shortage of eligible human resources 郵政體制改革即將實施。實行政企分開后,吉林省郵政將作為中國郵政集團的省級子公司,吉林省郵政的戰略的選擇、制定和實施對企業今后的長遠發展具有十分重要的意義。

The system manages the devices on network by monitoring and controlling them , and informs the state of network to managers , and makes it easy to deal with the faults , so that it can reduce the lost caused by the failure of networks , improve the quality of services and increase efficiency 它對網絡上的各種設備進行管理,通過監視和控制這些設備,及時地向管理人員報告網絡狀態,并且簡化網絡故障的處理,減少故障造成的損失,提高網絡的服務質量和效率。

The chinese side is willing to work with the eu side to ensure that through fair and reasonable arrangements , as well as the compensation for china ' s economic loses caused by the enlargement , the bilateral trade and the economic and trade cooperation in other forms will not be negatively affected 中方愿與歐方合作,通過適當的安排,合理補償因歐盟擴大對中方經濟利益的減損,確保雙邊貿易及其它形式的經貿合作不受到負面影響。

9 since party a charters party b ' s car and party b provides driver , party b shall be complete responsible for all lost caused to the third party and party a due to the reason of shuttle car and employed driver of party b during the course of using shuttle car 由于甲方租賃此乙方車輛并由乙方配備司機,所租賃的車輛在使用過程中對第三者及甲方所造成的損失由乙方負全部責任,并保證已為該車上全足夠的此方面的保險。

So the so - called lose caused by trust actually refers to a state with no benefits because the trust comes to nothing , and the trusting part can not compensate the expenditure of transaction cost by obtaining benefits from the performance of the contract 由是,所謂信賴利益損失實質上即是指因信賴落實,信賴人無法通過獲得履行利益彌補前已支出的交易成本的一種不利益狀態。

Rhett : why ? maybe it ' s because i ' ve always had a weakness for lost causes , once they ' re really lost ? or , maybe , maybe , i ' m ashamed of myself . who knows 瑞德:為什么?或許因為我總是站在失敗者一邊,一旦他們真的失敗了… …或許,或許因為我感到羞愧了。誰知道?

Salvatore crisafulli , a father of four , is describing his case as a “ miracle “ which proves that lost causes are anything but hopeless 薩瓦多?克瑞沙富利, 4個孩子的父親,形容他的案例是奇跡,證明了就算會失敗,也絕不能放棄希望。

Any delay or lost caused by the error information of the receiver provided by party b , party a will not take any responsibility in this case 如因收件人姓名、地址錯誤而造成的時間延誤或經濟損失甲方將不承擔任何責任。

We were always loyal to lost causes , the professor said . success for us is the death of the intellect and of the imagination “我們一向忠于失敗者104 , ”教授說, “對我們來說,成功乃是智慧與想象力的滅亡。

When you draw all the proper comparisons , as i have , you see that approaching the question in such a way is almost entirely a lost cause 只要如我這樣做出適當的對比,你就會知道象那樣推論簡直就是必錯無疑。

Offering governmental loan in the form of goodwill is a losing cause and should be avoided with every possibility 慣采之官方發展金援思維模式規劃系浪擲稅賦,尤足為誡。

Not as adviser to mr bush ; most politicos have given the president up as a lost cause 不過,這位繼任者卻并非布什先生的顧問? ?許多政治家認為他窮途末路,已然棄之而去。

Home of lost causes , and forsaken beliefs , and unpopular names , and impossible loyalties 失敗的壯舉的家,廢棄了的信仰的家,不得人心的名字和不可思議的忠心的家

“ right you are , “ said the other . “ the job i had i lost cause they shut down “你說得對, ”另一個說, “我是因為他們停產才丟掉了我原來的工作。

But stormy was a plodding12 horse and even while i practiced , i knew it was a lost cause 但是斯托米起動慢,練的時候我就知道成功的希望渺茫。

Our efforts to change the unfair regulations at work turned out to be a lost cause 我們努力想改變不公平的工作規定,結果只是枉然。

Maybe i ' m a lost cause 可能我沒得救了

Loyal to a lost cause 這是對于失敗者的效忠啊。 ”

Lost causes noble marquess mentioned 被提名的高貴的侯爵